Concept, direction, 3D architectural reconstitution,
visual effects, booklet
Bachelor thesis acknowledged with highest honors,
at the Ecole Supérieure d'Infographie Albert Jacquard
"La Maison du Peuple" is about Art Nouveau architecture, belgian patrimony, aesthetics and the presentation of a sensitive thematic through film and computer graphics. The research and reconstitution through 3D modeling, resulted in an accurated and detailed visualisation of an exceptional building, a masterpiece by Victor Horta, destroyed in 1965; thus making it visible in its prime again.
It is a day trip starting in a morning atmosphere and ending at sunset, a tribute to the belgian architect and artist Victore Horta. This short film, beyond its aesthetical purpose, also is a reflection about the "Bruxellisation" phenomenon in 1960, which altered permanently the face of the city.
Produced in cooperation with Stefan Evrard and Lise de Wergifosse - 2016