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Concept, direction, animation

Diploma-thesis 2021, acknowledged with highest honours by Prof. João Tabarra, Prof. Lioudmila Voropai und Prof. Barbara Kuon, at the Karlsruhe
University of Arts and Design. Exhibited 2021 during Closed Caßa Rona 2 in Karlsruhe(DE), shown during Street Cinema Graz / Diagonale 2022 in Graz (AT) and exhibited during All we as - HfG Graduates in Karlsruhe(DE). "Insulation (...) and be longing" has also been shown during an intervention in the city center of Karlsruhe (DE) with the beambike.

“Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it,

live along some distant day into the answer.” - Rainer Maria Rilke, „Letters to a young poet“

Does self-reflection happen through seclusion from the world or in exchange with others?

“Insulation” is an artistic study of one’s own fluctuating, uncertain identity.

Through the medium of animation, a visual language is developed for emotional states that are difficult to translate, enabling the visitor to experience them with the installation. “Insulation” has neither end nor beginning, the loop will draw the visitor into the presence and timelessness of this uneasiness. The visitor, like the main character of the film, becomes a protagonist of these questions, of inadequacy, and of the fluctuating relationship to himself and to the world.

Both move in an in-between space, between beauty and the melancholy it can trigger, between warming sun and unbearable heat, between bright light and blinding glare.

The film shows people as part of the city architecture, the protagonist is not excluded, but he does not see himself as belonging. His quiet strangeness therein unsettles.

It seems that nothing can pull the protagonist out of his passivity. Is he a victim, or, as existentialism suggests, are there no excuses for the absence of action?

"Insulation" is, in line with Rilke, an attempt to live the questions, to grow into answers.

Sounddesign by Florian Schwarz - 2021

"Insulation (...) and be longing" and the topics adressed offer room for dialogue, and have been discussed in panel discussions and interviews. Moreover, it provided the base for my seminar "Space and be longing", taught at HfG Karlsruhe in the winter semester 2021/22.

"Inside Uneasiness" - Panel discussion with Dominic Thiel and Francesca Pichierri, June 2022

Dominic Thiel, Francesca Pichierri and Charlotte Nies are discussing the portrayal of emotional states and the techniques used to achieve it in their works “La Stanza (WT)” and “Insulation (…) and be longing”. The question of identity and its formation in relation to the environment has been formulated through images, sound and the use of space. Thiel and Pichierri's experimental poetry film and Nies' video-installation both exist in their subjectivity and timelessness, aiming not to convey a straightforward narrative but to immerse the spectator in this feeling. The works don't deliver answers but engulf the spectator in the struggles of the protagonists, allowing them to live the questions for themselves.

Interview with Anna Tekampe and Lena Reitschuster for MetaMag, June 2022

©Charlotte Nies 2024

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